Friday, February 29, 2008

The Japanese Diet

We are going to try to provide our readers a diet or an exercise from time to time, so they can choose what they think it is best for them.This is not so much a diet, but a national way of eating - after all 127 million Japanese can’t all be on a diet and they all look pretty slim to me!
The Japanese diet is about as different from a Western diet as it is possible to get. It is relatively low in fat, high in fibre, high in omega-3’s from eating lots of fish. Protein from meat is modest as meat is eaten in small quantities, while vegetable intake is high.
Some foods are significantly different, for instance seaweed, which is very high in minerals, is an intrinsic part of the diet, fermented soya (tofu) is a staple, and other mineral-rich foods like sesame are included regularly. Also of great importance is that their cooking methods are extremely healthy: steaming or flash-frying in a minimum of oil or on a hibachi (grill). The Japanese use a lot of strong flavours, like ginger and radish, which reduces the need for using fats. In general it is a very ‘clean tasting’ cuisine. Dairy foods do not feature in the Japanese diet.
Because this is not a regular diet, the time needed for it is indefinite. Just use it as long as you think you have to. You don’t have to worry if you practice it too long, because it is a way of eating.
restaurants: Yes, if you have a Japanese take away or restaurant near you.
alcohol: Yes, rice wine, but the Japanese (and Chinese) are mostly physically unable to process alcohol in the same way as those in the West, meaning that very little is actually drunk.
caffeine: Green tea.
need to buy special foods: Yes
ok for vegetarians: Yes, but fishitareans might fare best.
You probably can’t get a better balanced diet (apart from salt levels), but the likelihood of a Western person adopting this approach full-time is questionable. Instead it may be useful to learn to adapt it to commonly available Western foods, for instance eating more fish and vegetables and employing healthy cooking methods.

The Atkins Diet

Whether you are a first time dieter looking for a weight loss program, or a return dieter looking for the diet that will work, this blog will provide information to help you lose weight. I am not trying to sell any products, just to give some ideas for those who haven’t found the right way to lose weight.
The Atkins Diet
The Atkins Diet is a low carbohydrate, long-term weight loss program, divided into four stages that will take you from the initial phase of weight loss to the maintenance of your ideal weight throughout your life. This this diet does has a very limited amount of carbohydrates that you can intake each day, but there is no limit on certain types of fat . The Atkins Diet instructs you to avoid foods like pasta, bread, or anything high in carbohydrates, which can include certain types of fruit and sauce, as well as processed foods. The best types of food to consume are meats and cheeses, which provide the energy needed by your body. Strictly following this weight loss program can result in deficiencies in certain vitamins found in foods you’re supposed to avoid, so Atkins developed and sells vitamin supplements that will help you maintain a balanced diet. Atkins also sells protein bars, shakes, candy bars, and baking mixes that you can purchase online or at health food stores like GNC.
The Atkins Diet is based on scientific research that illustrates that the body uses both carbohydrates and fats to produce energy. If you reduce your carbohydrate intake, the body will automatically begin using or burning more fat for energy. Critics of this diet plan have complained about the unlimited fat intake and lack of certain nutrients in the diet, but Atkins insists that these factors are balanced if you closely follow his weight loss program and take the recommended vitamin supplements.
Before, the Health Institute said that we should eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day .Now 7.What you need to remember is that you need fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Fruits and Vegetables are all-stars. Not only are they low in calories and high in fiber, they also contain unique physiochemical, or antioxidants, that boost your health. It’s more than important to eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables every day to reap the health benefits. That’s because each color contains different sets of physiochemical that provide different health benefits.
These are Super Fruits and Vegetables to Add to Your Diet
Super Red: Pink grapefruit, red bell peppers, tomatoes, and watermelon Lycopene shows promise in fighting lung and prostate cancers. Lycopene is actually more available after cooking or processing so don’t ignore canned tomato paste!
Super Purple: Concord grapes, blueberries and prunesThe anthocyanins that give these fruits their distinctive colors may help ward off heart disease by preventing clot formation. They may also help lower risk of cancer.
Super Green: Spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collard greens and bokchoy Lutein appears to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke as well as guard against age-related macular degeneration. Dark green leafy vegetables are usually high in folate, a B vitamin that shows promising results in preventing heart diseases. In addition, Sulforaphane, a photochemical present in cruciferous vegetables, was found to detoxify cancer-causing chemicals before they do damage the body.
Super Orange: Carrots, mangos, pumpkin and orangesThe beta carotenes in these orange super fruits and vegetables may prevent cancer, particularly of the lung, esophagus and stomach. They may also reduce risk of heart disease and improve immune function.
Super White: Cauliflower, mushrooms, banana and onionsThese contain anthoxanthins and allicin, which can help lower blood pressure and protect against stomach cancer.

Lemon Juice Diet

A body and a mind starved and overloaded with toxins is one of the major causes of poor digestion, blood sugar swings and the resulting fatigue, mood swings and weight gain. A healthy weigh loss can only be achieved through a healthy diet. The best thing to start with is a detox diet. What does this diet involve? Well, firstly it is a 24 hour diet which you should repeat each week. You can eat fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds and you have to drink plenty of lemon juice with water. The main ingredient in this diet is lemon.Rather than starving you of nutrients, which would just cause your blood sugar levels and your mood to sink really low, you will be eating plenty of cleansing, natural foods and drinking lots of water to support your body’s own in-house detox system, which is so effective that even the most sophisticated detox product can’t compete with it.
So, it’s very simple what you have to do, you have to eat regular meals and snacks that are fresh and natural, and you have to drink four glasses of lemonade and lots of water.
Not only will it give you all the nutrients you need to expel toxins naturally and revitalizes your digestive system without feeling hungry, you can also lose a minimum of 600 grams to 1 kilo, depending on your height and body weight.To make your lemonade you will need:2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice (approximately 1⁄2 to 1 lemon)300 ml (10 fl oz) pure, filtered water (according to taste)1 tsp organic grade B maple syrup (optional) or a cinnamon stickSmall pinch of cayenne pepperMix together the lemon juice, water, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Stir well and serve slightly warm at room temperature. As an alternative to maple syrup you could stir a cinnamon stick into your lemon juice. The effectiveness of this diet is that you will take enough calories to keep your metabolism running efficiently for one day. Moreover, your body will have 24 hours to rid itself of the toxins absorbed by overindulgence, or simply through daily life (stress, pollution and processed food products). You should not follow this detox diet for more than one day a week as it is not effective as a general everyday diet. It is, however, highly effective as a cleansing pick-me-up to boost your digestion and get you started on the road to weight loss.

Fad & High-Protein/Low Carbohydrate Diets

Fad diets are not the best way to lose weight and keep it off. First of all because they are unhealthy, they don’t provide all of the nutrients your body needs. You can imagine that diets that strictly limit calories or food choices can’t be really healthy, moreover they are also very hard to follow. It is very possible that you get tired of them.
Another thing is that fad diets often promise quick weight loss and but losing weight at a very quick rate may increase your risk for developing gallstones-clusters of solid material in the gallbladder that can be painful. Diets that provide less than 800 calories per day also could result in heart rhythm abnormalities, which can be fatal.The high-protein/low carbohydrate diet promise you a healthy weight loss though t may make you feel nauseous, tired and weak. And this is because getting most of our daily calories from high-protein food like meat and eggs is not a balanced eating plan.You may be eating too few fruits and whole grains which may lead to constipation due to dietary fiber. So following a high-protein/low carbohydrate diet is not such a healthy way to lose weight. The effects of this diet are unknown.High-protein/low-carbohydrate diets are often low in calories because food choices are strictly limited, so they may cause short-term weight loss.
But a reduced-calorie eating plan that includes recommended amounts of carbohydrate, protein, and fat will also allow you to lose weight.
By following a balanced eating plan, you will not have to stop eating whole classes of foods, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables—and miss the key nutrients they contain. You may also find it easier to stick with a diet or eating plan that includes a greater variety of foods.